Leduc’s popular local theatre, Leduc Cinemas, has recently undergone a series of interior and exterior renovations. PM Signs was happy to help out with the finishing touches, replacing their old signage with brand new eye-catching, and more importantly, functional signs.
The theatre, a staple of the Leduc area for many years, had outdated and cumbersome signage – they were still climbing up a ladder and manually changing their showtimes! In February this is not such an enjoyable task! Now with their new 8 foot by 10 foot electronic message centre, mounted on a 29 foot tall pylon sign, the showtimes can be updated easily from the comfort of the theatre’s office. We also installed brand new LED Channel letters on the side of the building – just in time for the busy winter season!
Congratulations Leduc Cinemas, you’re lookin’ good!
You can check out all of the new signs and project photos here in Our Work portfolio.